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Hereditary Cancer Testing

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Hereditary Cancers and Genetic Testing

Hereditary cancer syndromes arise from genetic characteristics that increase an individual’s risk of developing certain types of cancer. These syndromes often involve mutations that can be passed down from parent to child, potentially elevating the risk of specific cancers over a lifetime.

Genetic Foundations

Cancer originates from uncontrolled cell growth in our bodies. Mutations in our genes can disrupt normal cellular processes of growth and division, predisposing individuals to cancer development. Each of us inherits one copy of genes from our mother and another from our father. Environmental factors or aging can sometimes lead to alterations in these genes, which may contribute to cancer or increase cancer risk.

Genetic Counseling and Testing

Genetic counseling plays a crucial role in assessing and managing the risk of hereditary cancers for individuals and their families. It involves evaluating personal and family histories to recommend genetic testing when appropriate. Test results, combined with family history, help determine personalized screening and management options.

When is Genetic Testing Necessary?
Genetic testing is particularly recommended in the following cases:

Hereditary cancers can be better understood and managed through genetic counseling and testing. Sapiens, with its expert team and comprehensive testing options, aims to support early detection and treatment of hereditary cancers for you and your family.

Need more information?

For more information or to schedule a genetic counseling appointment, please contact us.

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